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Early mornings to late evenings often result from a hardworking, driven woman. Those bags that lie on your delicate features or the creases at the height of your cheekbones, and even the tiredness of your feet, appear because of your determined nature, I know. Sometimes it is OK to put yourself first ladies, especially when it is something rarely done. Maintaining a healthy lifestyle can be challenging, but it is definitely realistic. Balancing your social, family, and work life is not an impossible task and is quite manageable. As women, we have to take on a number of responsibilities and sometimes have little time to squeeze in ‘me’ time. From watching over loved ones, to tending to your mate, we women got some things going on, but that extra splash of sway in our walk and poise in our backs is what keeps us everlastingly strong.

The very make up of what and who you are as a woman is a prevailing thing in itself. Getting ample amount of sleep at night, eating right and exercising should be inclusive when it comes to the ‘me’ time we women need. Life is all about finding a balance in everyday life. Life in itself is a blessing that women were given, and created to give, but we also have to experience a steady life. There is a need for stability. ‘Me’ time is a time to focus on self, and that is OK because there are many days that we go on as selfless. If you are a reader, pick up a book and get lost. Get lost in the words, the pages, the smell of the book, everything, take your mind out to play with a set of pages that are hard to put down. Do it, because it is something you love to do. If you enjoy the outdoors, go outside and let your inner hiker meet the reality of the wonders of nature, do it because you love it. Create such a balance for things, that the slightest discrepancy won’t harm you by a long shot. Set out time to work out each day. That is a must, because we have to be in tuned with our mind, bodies and souls. So my next recommendation is to do yoga or mediate. Meditating helps to push you to a peaceful and clear mind. A clear mind can lead to healthier lifestyle. Ladies, sleep is another necessity that we sometimes neglect. Sleep is important for your functioning the next day.

Being nice to yourself will result in your body being nice to you. Eat right. It is easy to grab a quick bag of chips or stop at Wendy’s on the way home, but keep your body replenished inside and out. It is alright to slip up, or eat your favorite rich, velvety chocolate cake, but let that be a cheat food, not a daily routine. Once you become one with your body and mind, those everyday woes, will seem easier. We take on a lot, but do not let anyone or anything take a toll on your life, because you are the director of your own traffic, therefore you foresee all the ins and outs within it.

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